The Annual
From 11 - 23 November 1991

 Glebe Music Festival

In conjunction with The Glebe Society Inc

Wednesday 20 November:

1) La Mourisique/Battle Pavan

With two sets of divisions by Graeme Stentiford
Tielman Susato, 'Danserye' 1551

2) 15TH Century English Songs
John Bedyngham (died c. 1460)

Me lyketh ever (anon)
Wel corn be ye whan ye goo (anon)
Now wolde y fayne (anon)
Mi verry joy

3) Giovanni Battista Riccio

Canzona (1612) for two recorders and continue

4) Three English Consort Songs

The day delay'd
WilliamByrd (1543-1623) Dainty fine bird
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)

Sweet, they say such virtue lies
(Richard Nicholson d 1639)?

5) Three Vihuela Songs

Romance del Key moro que perdio Alhama
Luis de Narvaez (fl.l538)

Claros y frescos rios
Ysabel (Villancico)
Alonso Mudarra (C.1508-1580) Click here for the lyrics

6) Sonata for treble recorder and tenor viola

Dolce - Scherzando - Largo e misurato - Vivace

7) Spanish Songs

Dindirin (anon C.1500)
Sy amor pone las escalas
Juan del Endna (1468-1529)
For la puente Juana (anon c. 1500)
Triste Espafta sin ventura
Juan del Endna
Vesame y abraCame (Cancionero de Upsala)
Click here for the lyrics


Peter Petocz
recorders, crumhom, percussion

Agnes Petocz
recorders, crumhom, percussion

Bernie Williams
recorders, lute, baroque guitar, crumhom

Lance Eccles
recorders, crumhom


Graeme Stentiford-Tenor/Countertenor
renaissance tenor viol, sackbut, crumhorn,recorder, lute

Hilary Rhodes-Soprano
lute, crumhom, percussion

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